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Editors' Feedback from SWA IV Courses Pt.8

(Fantasy Romance Theme)

July 26, 2023

🔸Author: Lov Obog

🔹Editors' Feedback:

The outline hints at a world where dragon shifters and mages exist, but more information about the setting, its rules, and the history of the conflict between mages and dragons would enhance the story's depth and believability. The synopsis mentions a potential war between mages and dragons, but it could be expanded upon to create a stronger sense of conflict and tension. Exploring the stakes and consequences of Raavi's choices will add suspense and keep readers engaged.

🔸Author: Cassiopeia Reign

🔸Title: Obey Thy Lies

🔹Editors' Feedback:

The blurb fits perfectly with the 'Forbidden Love' and 'Greetings from another world' themes in Fantasy Romance. The outline provides a clear premise about a demon prince cursed to live in the mortal world and remain invisible to humans. However, it could benefit from more specific details about the curse and the crime he didn't commit. The outline hints at potential conflicts between the demon prince's true nature and the maiden's discovery of it. Expanding on these conflicts and building tension throughout the story will help engage readers and keep them invested.